Acharya Institutes- Upcoming and Ongoing Events

About the Program

Objectives of the Program
  • To motivate and encourage institutions primarily from the technical domain to create a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship among academia including students and faculties.
  • To build a vibrant innovation ecosystem that leads to the creation of a startup culture in the institute.
Expected Outcome of the Program
  • Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of culture of innovation and its vulnerability to this entrepreneurial world.
  • Participants will demonstrate the ability to think and propose an innovative business idea and nurture through the skill required to convert it into the startups.
  • Participants will become familiar with cutting-edge technologies and tools relevant to research and innovation.

Important Dates

Date 30th Jan 2025
Time 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Target Audience Faculty and Students of Acharya Institute of Technology
Venue ME Seminar Hall
Type of Program Offline

Resource Person Details


Shri Krishnamurthy

District Skill Development Officer, Bengaluru Urban, Govt. of Karnataka

District Skill Development Officer, Bengaluru Urban, Govt. of Karnataka


Sri. Sridharan Iyengar

Director- Pentawis Innovations Pvt Limited -Health Care Enterprise

Director- Pentawis Innovations Pvt Limited -Health Care Enterprise

Committee Members

  • Sri. Premnath Reddy B Chairman Acharya Institutes
  • Smt. Shalini Reddy Executive Director Acharya Institutes
  • Sri. Krishna Basani Managing Director Acharya Institutes
  • Dr. Rajeshwari Principal, AIT
  • Prof. C K Marigowda Vice Principal, AIT
  • Dr. Rajashekar Patil Head-QA Acharya Institutes
  • Prof. Iqbal ahmed-Director- International Collaboration & head-TBI, Acharya Institutes
  • Dr. Abhishek Venkateshwara-HOD-MBA
  • Dr. R M Devarajaiah, HOD-Mechatronics Engineering

Programme Schedule on 30 th Jan , 2025 Thursday

Session Speaker Topic
Session 1 Shri Krishnamurthy, District Skill Development Officer, Bengaluru Urban, Govt. of Karnataka Start-up Ecosystem in India and Skill set required for Successful Entrepreneur
Session 2 Shri. Sridharan Iyengar, Director - Pentawis Innovations Pvt. Ltd, Health care Enterprise, Bengaluru Innovation and Startup Ecosystem - Challenges and Prospectus
Session 3 Prof. Iqbal Ahmed, Director, International Collaboration Acharya Institutes Business Plan Writing
Session 4 Dr. Abhishek Venkateshwar, Director-MBA, AIT Mindset and Know-how Abilities of Entrepreneur
Session 5 Dr. Muthukumar, Head-IPR AIT/ Prof. Amshumali, Head-IPR, Acharya Institutes IPR Process and Patent Filing and Publishing
Session 6 Dr. Pakkirappa, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, AIT Funding Opportunities for Startups
Session 7 Dr. Attel Manjunath, Head- IIC, AIT Levels of Innovations Readiness for the Industry
Session 8 Dr. Devasis Pradhan, Director-R&D, AIT How to Write Effective Research Paper and Publish
Session 9 Dr. Nijaguna G, Professor, Dean-IED Cell, AIT Design Thinking and Innovation

About the Institute

Acharya Institute of Technology is committed to excellence in teaching, learning, research and developing professionals in numerous disciplines, who are capable of making a difference worldwide. We were established in the year 2000 as a college of engineering, offering multiple programmes in engineering fragment. Our diverse programmes offer approximately 1000 seats per year. Students from more than 60+ countries enhance the diversity, where you don’t just learn about academics but you get to know the world. Acharya is the best engineering college in Bangalore, and we pride ourselves on having a large number of notable alumni from around the world. The institution has undertaken R&D projects funded by DST, DBT, SERB and AICTE of Government of India, VGST of Government of Karnataka and consultancy projects from Industries on various topics including design and development of green electrode materials for energy conversion and storage, point of care vitamin D test kits and electric vehicles, which makes us count among the top engineering colleges in Bangalore.

The institution has a Texas innovation center and CDAC sponsored IoT labs, well-equipped with embedded system kits suitable for the development of smart IoT based applications.